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Ethiopia to start kidney transplantation | sodere

Ethiopia to start kidney transplantation

 New Warning Signs That may Predict Kidney Transplant Failure RevealedSt. Yared Hospital will start a kidney transplant in one month time. The hospital announced that several patients are waiting on a queue and it will provide the first two patients with a free transplant offer. 

Having 95 percent of the construction complete, the hospital has brought certified medical surgeons that will be working on the transplantation. The center will also provide a working experience for local medical professionals. 

The hospital is currently providing kidney dialysis service through its 12 dialysis machines. The medical director of St. Yared Hospital, Dr. Akeza Ta’me, informed The Reporter that patients are currently taking the service three times a week. According to the director such a medical procedure is very expensive and impractical. Hence, the preferable alternative treatment is the transplantation.
Source: Ethiopian Reporter

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